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Single Ply

Product Listing

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T-Joint Covers                                                                  Sure-Seal   Pressure Sensitive T-Joint Cover                                     - Semi-cured EPDM laminated to a                                                  synthetic rubber adhesive                                                     - Used to seal horizontal-to-vertical                                             transitions of field splices and                                              field splice intersections                                                      - Pre-cut with rounded                                                            corners                                                                       - Black6" PS T-JOINT/BLOW OUT PATCHES
Fasteners                                                                       Sarnafastener #12                                                               - Threaded fastener used with Sarnaplates                                         to attach insulation boards directly to                                       steel (18-24 gauge) or wood                                                     (>15/32") roof decks                                                            - Carbon steel treated with a                                                     corrosion-resistant coating                                                   - Modified buttress thread with 12-1/2 thread turns/inch to maximize pull-out performance and minimizing stripping and back-out6" SARNAFASTENER #12 INS(1000)
Fasteners                                                                       Sarnafastener #15 XP                                                            - Threaded drill point fastener                                                 - Carbon steel treated with a                                                     corrosion-resistant coating                                                   - Can be used on steel decking                                                    (18-24 gauge), wood plank                                                     (> 1-1/2"), or wood sheathing(>15/32")                                          - Oversized heavy shank and thread diameters                                    - Deep buttress threads for high pullout resistance                             - Miniature drill point penetrates decks quickly and provides increased back-out resistance                                                                     - Blue6" SIKAPLAN #15 HD (500)
Pockets                                                                         Sure-White   EPDM Pressure-Sensitive Pourable Sealer Pocket                      - Prefabricated pockets                                                         - 2" Wide plastic support strip                                                   with SecurTAPE  backed                                                        Elastoform Flashing                                                              - Ideal for sealing irregular, hard-to-flash                                      penetrations through the membrane                                             - Several pockets can be combined to                                              create larger pockets as needed6" SURE WHITE PS P/S POCKETS
Flashing                                                                        Sure-Seal   EPDM Pressure-Sensitive Elastoform Flashing                          - Nominal 60 mil thick, uncured EPDM                                              membrane laminated to a nominal                                               30 mil thick fully cured pressure                                               sensitive adhesive                                                              - Adaptable to irregular shapes                                                   and surfaces                                                                  - Self-curing                                                                   - Used to flash corners, pipes                                                    and other penetrations                                                        - Poly release liner on the 12" flashing                                          is pre-slit down the center - Black6"X100' P-S ELASTOFORM FLASHNG
Reinforced Universal Securement Strips (RUSS)                                   Sure-Seal   EPDM Pressure-Sensitive RUSS                                         - Nominal 45 mil thick reinforced membrane                                        strip with a nominal 30 mil thick cured EPDM                                  splice tape adhesive laminated along one                                        or both edges                                                                   - Reinforced EPDM membrane                                                        is either 6" or 9" wide while the                                             adhesive strip is 3" wide                                                       - Provides additional securement                                                  at walls, curbs and expansion                                                 joints                                                                          - 6" RUSS cannot be used on mechanically fastened roofing systems                                         - 9" Russ can only be used on                                                     mechanically fastened roofing systems6"X100' PRESS SENSITIVE RUSS
CARLISLE #300492 #3019466"X100' RUSS
Tape                                                                            Sure-Seal   Pressure-Sensitive Securtape                                         - Fully cured synthetic rubber                                                  - Clear poly film for ease of                                                     application                                                                   - Excellent shear and peel strength                                             - Used for splicing cured EPDM                                                    membrane in ballasted, adhered                                                and mechanically fastened                                                       roofing systems6"X100' SURE SEAL SECURTAPE
Cover Strips                                                                    Sarnafil   60 mil G410 EnergySmart   Cover Strip                                  - High quality, highly reflective PVC thermoplastic cover strip                 - Integral fiberglass mat reinforcement                                         - Excellent dimensionally stability                                             - Hot-air welded seams                                                          - Lacquer coating reduces dirt pick-up                                          - Adhered applications                                                          - UV Stabilizers                                                                - Flame-retardant                                                               - cULus Listed                                                                  - Energy Star   qualified                                                        - California Title 24 rated - NSF ANSI 347 Platinum certified60 G410 CVRSTRIP WHT 8"X100'FA
Roofing Membranes                                                               Sarnafil   60 mil G410 EnergySmart   Roof Membrane                                - High quality, highly reflective PVC thermoplastic membrane                    - Integral fiberglass mat reinforcement                                         - Excellent dimensionally stability                                             - Hot-air welded seams                                                          - Lacquer coating reduces dirt pick-up                                          - Adhered applications                                                          - UV Stabilizers                                                                - Flame-retardant                                                               - Breaking strength: 80 lbf                                                     - Tearing resistance: 17.5 lbf                                                  - cULus Listed - Energy Star   qualified                                                        - California Title 24 rated                                                     - NSF ANSI 347 Platinum certified60 G410-15 ENRGSMRT WHT 10X100
Roofing Membranes                                                               Sarnafil   60 mil G410 EnergySmart   Roof Membrane                                - High quality, highly reflective PVC thermoplastic membrane                    - Integral fiberglass mat reinforcement                                         - Excellent dimensionally stability                                             - Hot-air welded seams                                                          - Lacquer coating reduces dirt pick-up                                          - Adhered applications                                                          - UV Stabilizers                                                                - Flame-retardant                                                               - Breaking strength: 80 lbf                                                     - Tearing resistance: 17.5 lbf                                                  - cULus Listed - Energy Star   qualified                                                        - California Title 24 rated                                                     - NSF ANSI 347 Platinum certified60 G410-15 ENRGSMRT WHT 5X100
60 G410-15 ENSMT FELT WH 10X8060 G410-15 ENSMT FELT WH 10X80
60 MIL G6410 LT GRAY60 MIL G6410 LT GRAY
Roofing Membranes                                                               Sarnafil   60 mil S327 EnergySmart   Roof Membrane                                - High quality, highly reflective PVC thermoplastic membrane                    - Integral polyester scrim reinforcement for increased strength                 - Hot-air welded seams                                                          - Lacquer coating reduces dirt pick-up                                          - Mechanically attached                                                         - UV Stabilizers                                                                - Flame-retardant                                                               - Breaking strength: 305 lbf                                                    - Tearing resistance: 48 lbf                                                    - cULus Listed                                                                  - Energy Star   qualified - California Title 24 rated                                                     - NSF ANSI 347 Platinum certified60 S327-15 ENERGYSMART 10X100
Roofing Membranes                                                               Sarnafil   60 mil S327 EnergySmart   Roof Membrane                                - High quality, highly reflective PVC thermoplastic membrane                    - Integral polyester scrim reinforcement for increased strength                 - Hot-air welded seams                                                          - Lacquer coating reduces dirt pick-up                                          - Mechanically attached                                                         - UV Stabilizers                                                                - Flame-retardant                                                               - Breaking strength: 305 lbf                                                    - Tearing resistance: 48 lbf                                                    - cULus Listed                                                                  - Energy Star   qualified - California Title 24 rated                                                     - NSF ANSI 347 Platinum certified60 S327-15 ENRGYSMRT WHT 5X100
Fasteners                                                                       HP Fastener                                                                     - For use with Carlisle   fastening plates                                         to secure membrane, insulation, and                                           pressure-sensitive RUSS strips to a                                             variety of substrates                                                           - Specially designed for Carlisle                                                  Sure-Tough  membrane                                                          - Buttress thread design and wide surface                                         contact provide increased pull-out and                                        back-out resistance                                                             - Can be used on wood and 22 gauge or                                             heavier steel decks - Mini drill-point maximizes                                                      installation efficiency                                                       - Penetration depth:                                                            - Wood minimum: 3/4"                                                            - Steel minimum: 1"                                                             - Corrosion-resistant7" HP FASTENERS CTN 500
Fasteners                                                                       HP-X Fastener                                                                   - For use with Carlisle   single-ply                                               membrane and insulation                                                       - #3 Phillips truss head                                                        - CR-10 Coating                                                                 - Deep buttress threads further                                                   increase pull-out and back-out                                                resistance                                                                      - Oversized heavy shank and #15 thread                                            diameter for enhanced pull-out resistance                                     - Miniature drill point penetrates decks                                          quickly and contributes to exceptional resistance to back-out as well as pull-out                                      - Can be used on wood and 20 - 22 gauge                                           steel decks                                                                   - Corrosion-resistant7" HP-X FASTENER CTN 500
Fasteners                                                                       InsulFast  Fastener                                                             - For use with Carlisle   insulation                                               plates in Sure-Seal  , Sure-White  ,                                            Sure-Flex  , and Sure-Weld   roofing                                              systems                                                                         - Can be used with wood and steel decks                                         - Increased pull-out and back-out resistance                                      provided by buttress thread design                                            - Drill-point designed for maximum                                                installation efficiency                                                       - Black epoxy electro-deposition coating                                        - Penetration depth: - Wood minimum: 3/4"                                                            - Steel minimum: 1"                                                             - Corrosion-resistant                                                           - Self-drilling                                                                 - Includes #3 Phillips driver                                                     bit in each bucket7" INSULFAST FASTENER 1M

Showing 121 - 144 of 317 Results