TOLL FREE800.284.6242

Soldering Handles                                                               Iron Soldering Handle
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Flux                                                                            Stay Clean   Liquid Flux                                                         - General purpose inorganic acid and salt type flux                               formulated to be active at temperatures optimum                               for a range of solder compositions                                              - Ideal for soldering a variety of base metals including                          copper, brass, steel, nickel and stainless steel, but                         is not suitable for aluminum, magnesium or titanium                             - Effectively removes surface oxide and prevents oxide                            formation during soldering                                                    - Use with tin/lead, tin/antimony,                                                and Stay Brite   solders                                                       - Not recommended for use in electrical or electronic applications                                                    - Meets Commercial Specification                                                  A-A51145C Form B and Federal                                                  Specification OF-506C Type 1 Form B,                                            (canceled 1/9/87)
